Server Time: 18:48 2025-03-30
 Server Status: Online
  • Population Ultra High - Online Record: 298
  • Register

    WARNING: Dont use the same passwords from another Game Servers.

    Confirm Password:
    E-mail Address:
    I have read the Private Policy and Agree Terms of Service

    Register Information

    * Please use valid e-Mail!
    * Usernames can be 5-20 chars long!
    * Usernames can contain the following chars: a-z A-Z 0-9
    * Passwords can be 5-20 chars long!
    * Passwords can contain the following chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 ~!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\[]:";<%gt;?,./
    * registering multiple accounts using the same eMail-address is forbidden.