Kingdom Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
4014 Phoenix Prawn 0 Recovery Type
4013 Diving Clam 0 Recovery Type
4012 Moon Tail Eel 0 Recovery Type
4011 Squirting Fish 0 Recovery Type
4010 Clownfish 0 Recovery Type
4009 Dotted Codfish 0 Recovery Type
4008 Walnut Wood Block 0 Common item
4007 Cherry Wood Block 0 Common item
4006 Maple Wood Block 0 Common item
4005 Fir Wood Strip 0 Common item
4004 Red Oak Wood Strip 0 Common item
4003 Rue Wood Strip 0 Common item
4002 Cedar Wood Strip 0 Common item
4001 Teak Wood Strip 0 Common item
4000 Birch Wood Strip 0 Common item
3999 Ash Wood Strip 0 Common item
3998 Walnut Wood Log 0 Common item
3997 Cherry Wood Log 0 Common item
3996 Maple Wood Log 0 Common item
3995 Fir Wood Log 0 Common item
3994 Red Oak Wood Log 0 Common item
3993 Rue Wood Log 0 Common item
3992 Cedar Wood Log 0 Common item
3991 Teak Wood Log 0 Common item
3990 Birch Wood Log 0 Common item
3989 Ash Wood Log 0 Common item
3988 Vessel Deed Right click to view attributes of ship 0 43
3987 Mark of Massacre 0 Common item
3986 Mark of Honor 0 Common item
3985 Mark of Valor 0 Common item
3984 Snow Doll Memo Stone Snow Doll memory stone. For investigation of strange occurrence 0 Quest Item
3983 Recovered Supplies Packed supplies ready for transport to Icicle City 0 Quest Item
3982 Stolen Supplies Supplies that are snatched away by the Yeti 0 Quest Item
3981 \"Pick Up\" Letter A letter for a person with initials \"J\". 0 Quest Item
3980 Fickle Pouch A bag carried by Captain Fickle. Seems to hold a deep secret inside 0 Quest Item
3979 Mark of Desert Overlord Approval from the Desert King. A symbol of authority and power 0 Quest Item
3978 Secretary Letter A letter for the Clan Chief 0 Quest Item
3977 Bandit Hideout Map A picture depicting the demographics of the bandits. With this, the strength of bandits can be known. 0 Quest Item
3976 Crab King Stomach Stone Ridiculous! There are actually kidney stones in the King Crab? 0 Quest Item
3975 Stolen Safety Lamp A stolen miner's lamp 0 Quest Item
3974 Stolen Safety Cap Stolen Safety Helmet 0 Quest Item
3973 Stolen Shovel A stolen shovel 0 Quest Item
3972 Salvier's Recommendation Letter Hand this letter to Kal just outside Abandoned Mine 0 Quest Item
3971 Ditto's Report Ditto analysis report to the strange behavior of oyster and lambs 0 Quest Item
3970 Great King Pearl A extraordinary large pearl 0 Quest Item
3969 Whacky Lamb Saliva Saliva from the mountain goat. A skilled herbalist will be able to deduce what is wrong with the goat through studying the saliva 0 Quest Item
3968 Piglet Tail Mini tail cut from pigs 0 Quest Item
3967 Antidote Parcel Medicine for the sick sea travelers 0 Quest Item
3966 Lunch Sample Lunch sample from the Navy poisoning incident 0 Quest Item
3965 Letter of Tommy A letter from Tommy for the Navy General 0 Quest Item

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