Kingdom Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
9557 ·ЫЙ«ВЬАтАЩЛїЧ°-Р¬ЧУ °ЧЙ«і¤НаЎў·ЫємЙ«ёЯёъР¬ 0 Shoe
9556 ·ЫЙ«ВЬАтАЩЛїЧ°-КЦМЧ ·ЫємЙ«АЩЛї¶РґшРдМЧ 0 Gloves
9555 ·ЫЙ«ВЬАтАЩЛїЧ°-ТВ·ю »ЄАцµД·ЫємЙ«АЩЛїСуЧ° 0 Armor
9554 ·ЫЙ«ВЬАтАЩЛїЧ°-Н·Ії ·ЫємЙ«Г±ЧУјУЙП°ЧАЩЛї 0 Headgear
9553 Е®ЖНЧ°-Р¬ЧУ °ЧЙ«і¤НаЎўєЪЙ«ёЯёъР¬ 0 Shoe
9552 Е®ЖНЧ°-КЦМЧ °ЧЙ«АЩЛїРдМЧ 0 Gloves
9551 Е®ЖНЧ°-ТВ·ю єЪЙ«Б¬Йн¶МИ№Ўў°ЧЙ«О§И№ 0 Armor
9550 Е®ЖНЧ°-Н·Ії °ЧЙ«АЩЛї·ўИ¦ 0 Headgear
9546 Flaming Crawfish Fish volcanic. Fish that survive high temperatures. 0 Common item
9541 Ami Nun Shoes 0 Shoe
9540 Ami Nun Gloves 0 Gloves
9539 Ami Nun Dress 0 Armor
9538 Ami Nun Headress 0 Headgear
9537 Fallen Angel Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9536 Fallen Kingdom Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9535 Fallen Black Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9534 Fallen Dragon Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9533 Salmon Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9532 Blue Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9531 Yellow Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9530 Golden Angel Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9529 Red Angel Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9528 Blue Ebony Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9527 Kingdom Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9526 Crimson Angel Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9525 Black Angel Wings Kingdom Pirates Wing. 0 44
9524 Chocolate VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9523 Pink VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9522 Purple VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9521 Turquoise VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9520 Gold VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9519 Orange VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9518 Coral VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9517 Crimson VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9516 Brown VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9515 Colorful VIP Necklace 15 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9514 Colorful VIP Necklace 14 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9513 Colorful VIP Necklace 13 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9512 Colorful VIP Necklace 12 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9511 Colorful VIP Necklace 11 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9510 Colorful VIP Necklace 10 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9509 Colorful VIP Necklace 11 Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9508 Silver VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9507 Magenta VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9506 Cyan VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9505 Yellow VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9504 Blue VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9503 Green VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9502 Red VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace
9501 Black VIP Necklace Exclusively for VIPs Users. 10 Necklace

Level: from to

Level: From To