Kingdom Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
5028 Carillon Gloves 0 Gloves
5027 Winter Grand Gloves 0 Gloves
5026 Wild Caveman Gloves 0 Gloves
5025 Gloves of the Frozen Heart 0 Gloves
5024 Country Gloves 0 Gloves
5023 Alluring Grand Gloves 0 Gloves
5022 Modern Caveman Gloves 0 Gloves
5021 Gloves of the Chilling Heart 0 Gloves
5020 Carillon Robe 0 Armor
5019 Winter Grand Robe 0 Armor
5018 Wild Caveman Robe 0 Armor
5017 Robe of the Frozen Heart 0 Armor
5016 Country Robe 0 Armor
5015 Alluring Grand Robe 0 Armor
5014 Modern Caveman Robe 0 Armor
5013 Robe of the Chilling Heart 0 Armor
5012 Rattle Drum of the Frozen Crescent 0 Short Staff
5011 Victorian 0 Firegun
5010 Blade of Burning Crescent 0 Dagger
5009 Great Hammer of Hone 0 Greatsword
5008 Sword of Azure Thunder 0 Sword
5007 Sword of Crimson Flame 0 Sword
5006 Rattle Drum of the Burning Crescent 0 Short Staff
5005 Vinyon 0 Firegun
5004 Blade of the Frozen Crescent 0 Dagger
5003 Great Hammer of Zest 0 Greatsword
5002 Sword of Crimson Thunder 0 Sword
5001 Sword of Azure Flame 0 Sword
4999 Enlightened Dolphin Tail 0 Common item
4998 White Shark Tooth 0 Common item
4997 Ancient Hag Spear 0 Common item
4996 Large Polliwog Skin 0 Common item
4995 Huge Fish Bone 0 Common item
4994 Ancient Dolphin Tail 0 Common item
4993 Large Slimy Sea Jelly Skin 0 Common item
4992 Cursed Merman Heart 0 Common item
4991 Bloody Polliwog Skin 0 Common item
4990 Large Shiny Sea Jelly Skin 0 Common item
4989 High Quality Arabic Bandana 0 Common item
4988 Nasal Squid Ink 0 Common item
4987 Evil Scale 0 Common item
4986 Lacerated Sea Jelly Skin 0 Common item
4985 Cursed Shrub 0 Common item
4984 Red Beard 0 Common item
4983 Red Beardy's Chest 0 Common item
4982 Broken Siren Jeweled Ornament 0 Common item
4981 Broken Mermaid Jeweled Necklace 0 Common item
4980 Ancient Bow 0 Common item
4979 Huge Shark Sawtooth 0 Common item
4978 Ancient Lance 0 Common item

Level: from to

Level: From To