Kingdom Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
3827 Spirit Elixir Soul crystal 0 Common item
3826 Necklace of Snowman Warlord An accessory necklace 0 Common item
3825 Demonic Giant Stick Large stick of the demons 0 Common item
3824 Demonic Giant Blade Large blade of the demons. 0 Common item
3823 Heart of Misery A crystal with essence of misery 0 Common item
3822 Heart of Sorrow A crystal with essence of sadness and sorrow 0 Common item
3821 Crystal of Enchantment A crystal with magical properties 0 Common item
3820 Crystal of Nimbleness A crystal with essence of speed and agility. 0 Common item
3797 Cavalier's Horsewhip 0 Common item
3796 Jack's Militia Sword 0 Common item
3795 Jack's Fighter Dagger 0 Common item
3794 Jack's Sailor Bandana 0 Common item
3793 Cavalier Insignia 0 Common item
3792 Jack's Militia Emblem 0 Common item
3791 Jack's Fighter Emblem 0 Common item
3790 Jack's Sailor Emblem 0 Common item
3789 2nd Month VIP Chest Open Chest and you get: 5x Vip Token, 50x Devil Potions, Azreal Gem, Black Dragon Gem, 2x Dragon Gem Purger and 2x Azraels Gem Purger. [Hint: Item Can't be trade] 0 Common item
3788 VIP Member Chest Open Chest and you get: 5x Vip Token, 99x Devil Potions, Azreal Gem, Black Dragon Gem, Vip Wings=(Bloody Ring) [Hint: Item Can't be trade] 0 Common item
3774 Azraels Gem Chest Open Chest and you get: All Azraels Gems [Hint: Item Can't be trade] 0 Common item
3773 Black Dragon Gem Chest Open Chest and you get: All Black Dragon Gems [Hint: Item Can't be trade] 0 Common item
3771 Cloak Gem Chest Open Chest and you get: 1 random cloak gem. 0 Common item
3763 Soul of Kingdom King Use to Unseal Crown of Kingdom Kings equipment 0 Common item
3687 Chocolate Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3686 Pink Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3685 Purple Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3684 Turquoise Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3683 Gold Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3682 Orange Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3681 Coral Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3680 Crimson Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3679 Brown Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3678 Silver Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3677 Magenta Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3676 Cyan Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3675 Yellow Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3674 Blue Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3673 Green Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3672 Red Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Neck, Neck can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3671 Black Vip Necklace Stone Use to upgrade Lv85 ring to Ring II, Ring can be gemmed and you dont lost gems. 0 Common item
3558 Vip Runestone A Blessed Runestone. Keep Me In Inventory To Obtain Rage & Sage Effects While Your Set Is Fused! Please put me in 5th inventory slot to have effect! 0 Common item
3538 Sage Mini Stone Piece 3 Obtained From Upgrading Sage Boots 0 Common item
3537 Sage Mini Stone Piece 2 Obtained From Upgrading Sage Gloves 0 Common item
3536 Sage Mini Stone Piece 1 Obtained From Upgrading Sage Armor 0 Common item
3535 Rage Mini Stone Piece 3 Obtained From Upgrading Rage Boots 0 Common item
3534 Rage Mini Stone Piece 2 Obtained From Upgrading Rage Gloves 0 Common item
3533 Rage Mini Stone Piece 1 Obtained From Upgrading Rage Armor 0 Common item
3532 Sage Runestone A Blessed Runestone. Keep Me In Inventory To Obtain Sage Set Effects While Your Set Is Fused! Please put me in 5th inventory slot to have effect! 0 Common item
3531 Rage Runestone A Blessed Runestone. Keep Me In Inventory To Obtain Rage Set Effects While Your Set Is Fused! Please put me in 5th inventory slot to have effect! 0 Common item
3530 Sage Set Stone Use to Upgrade your Sage set. 0 Common item
3529 Rage Set Stone Use to Upgrade your Rage Set. 0 Common item

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Level: From To