Kingdom Pirates Online - Abyss Lord - Hardin

Abyss Lord - Hardin

Abyss Lord - Hardin
Level 125
Health Points 980 000 000
Damage 85 000-90 000
Defense 3 500
Dodge 1 000
HP recovery 1 000
Radius of the review 3 000
Radius of the prosecution 0
Strength 85
Accuracy 85
Spirit 85
Ai = 29 Attacks
Spirit Points 10 000
Physical resist 99
Hit rate 2 000
Crit rate 10
SP recovery 1 000
Attack speed 1 000
Movement speed 800
Agility 85
Constitution 85
Experience 0

Skill list

Id Skill name Description %
275   Black Dragon Terror Monster Skill 25
284   Black Dragon Fireball Monster Skill 20
25   Bare Hand None 15
277   Black Dragon Flight Monster Skill 10
276   Black Dragon Roar Monster Skill 10
279   Resurrect Monster Skill 9
278   Black Dragon Breath Monster Skill 6
285   Black Dragon Summon Monster Skill 5

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
5845 Azrael's Glare 0 100,00 No
5847 Azrael's Light 0 100,00 No
5846 Undead Azrael 0 100,00 No
2933 Titter of Black Dragon 0 30,03 No
7580 Abaddon Weapon Chest 0 13,00 No
1012 Gem of Soul 0 13,00 No
864 Eye of Black Dragon 0 3,40 No
866 Heart of Black Dragon 0 3,40 No
865 Soul of Black Dragon 0 3,40 No

Level: from to

Level: From To