Kingdom Pirates Online - Abandoned Chest 2

Abandoned Chest 2

Abandoned Chest 2
Level 0
Health Points 100 000
Damage 0-0
Defense 2
Dodge 1
HP recovery 112
Radius of the review 1 000
Radius of the prosecution 0
Strength 0
Accuracy 5
Spirit 5
Ai = 1 Not attack
Spirit Points 15
Physical resist 50
Hit rate -2
Crit rate 10
SP recovery 1
Attack speed 2 000
Movement speed 0
Agility 0
Constitution 5
Experience 0

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
1815 Beautiful Chest 0 100,00 No
3403 Skeletar Chest of Explorer 0 15,02 No
3402 Skeletar Chest of Herbalist 0 15,02 No
3401 Skeletar Chest of Hunter 0 15,02 No
3400 Skeletar Chest of Swordsman 0 15,02 No
885 Refining Gem 0 10,00 No
3432 Lum Runestone 0 5,00 No
1814 Mystic Chest 0 5,00 No
3431 Yal Runestone 0 5,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To