Kingdom Pirates Online - Confused Snow Doll

Confused Snow Doll

Confused Snow Doll
Level 59
Health Points 18 440
Damage 686-1 029
Defense 187
Dodge 224
HP recovery 24
Radius of the review 1 000
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Strength 34
Accuracy 34
Spirit 34
Ai = 10 Attacks
Spirit Points 10 000
Physical resist 36
Hit rate 300
Crit rate 10
SP recovery 0
Attack speed 1 200
Movement speed 450
Agility 34
Constitution 34
Experience 6 488

Skill list

Id Skill name Description %
139   Mist of Snow Lady None 100

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
3823 Heart of Misery 0 65,36 No
3430 Tef Runestone 0 15,02 No
4247 Crystalline Feather 0 10,00 Yes
880 Explosive Gem 0 0,80 No
881 Lustrious Gem 0 0,70 No
3457 Kal Runestone 0 0,53 No
885 Refining Gem 0 0,50 No

Level: from to

Level: From To