Kingdom Pirates Online - Red Stone

Red Stone

Red Stone
A dark piece of red color stone


Type Common item
Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 75
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable By 99



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
69 Little Squirt 3 10,00 No
1135 Little Squirt 3 10,00 No
294 Gigantic Melon 15 8,00 No
101 Starving Wolf 20 8,00 No
258 Bear Cub 12 7,00 No
229 Great King Clam 15 6,00 No
1134 Great King Clam 15 6,00 No
32 Sharp Beak 13 6,00 No
96 Melon 1 4,00 No
286 Melon 1 4,00 No
295 Air Porky 23 2,00 No
213 Bubble Clam 9 2,00 No
239 Snowy Piglet 6 2,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To