Kingdom Pirates Online - Illusion Fragment

Illusion Fragment

Illusion Fragment
The surface is covered with a shroud of black fragments


Type Common item
Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 75
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable By 99



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
963 Evil Ice Phantasm 80 100,00 No
959 Phantom Knight 80 100,00 No
967 Warrior Phantom 80 100,00 No
1285 Batman 65 5,00 No
970 Berserk Snowboar 83 5,00 No
964 Berserk Tribesman 72 5,00 No
958 Desert Lizard Warrior 78 5,00 No
972 Devious Bat 83 5,00 No
968 Devious Cactus 83 5,00 No
966 Evil Carcass 78 5,00 No
961 Great Polar Bear 75 5,00 No
969 Horrifying Mummy 85 5,00 No
962 Ice Guard 78 5,00 No
956 Killer Scorpion 72 5,00 No
973 Pumpkin Death Warrior 85 5,00 No
960 Sacred Snow Doll 72 5,00 No
957 Sand Pirate 75 5,00 No
971 Snow Mistress 85 5,00 No
965 Thunder Lion 75 5,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To